Justice and Peace Office | Promoting justice, peace, ecology and development
This link will take you to the Justice and Peace Office website where you can read the latest intiatives.
You might consider taking the time to look at some current topics, (shown below with links), based on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, that are being explored by the Justice and Peace office.
The Social Justice Group of St Joan of Arc Parish plans to look at these topics and identify areas where action might be possible.
- Ageing in Australia
- Caring for Creation
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Emerging Technologies
- Fair and Dignified Working Conditions
- Homelessness and Housing
- Human Rights
- Incarceration in Australia
- Indigenous Australians
- Living with Disability
- Mental Health
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Peace and Conflict
- People Seeking Asylum and Refugees
- Political Corruption
- Poverty and Inequality in Australia and Globally
- Protection of Human Life
Worth remembering that here at St Joan of Arc Parish we have been able to make a small contribution to alleviating the problem of homelessness by purchasing a small block of units which, as current tenants move on, will be made available to people in need. This will be managed for us by Amelie Housing, a work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.
Would you like to join the Parish Social Justice Group and participate in these initiatives? If so, please leave your name at the Parish Office 9798 6657 or admin@stjoanofarc.org.au
and you will be contacted by a member of the group.